PinnedYour Turbulent Emotions are Your Creative SuperpowerAs we age, we tend to become less emotional. There are many reasons for this: experience, acceptance, a sense of control over our lives…Jun 22, 20236Jun 22, 20236
PinnedThe Influence of Technology and the Important Role of ChoiceIn the Information Age, once we reach a certain point in our early lives, we no longer trust our friends and loved ones to provide us with…Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
PinnedThe Housing Crisis is Crippling Young PeopleIt always amazes me how often I see someone from the older generation, those lucky Boomers, shake their head in disbelief at every…Jul 17, 20241Jul 17, 20241
PinnedPublished inThe Ineclectic PublicationsFreedomThe gazelle gazed out across the Savannah. Two long, dark horns stood atop its head in warning. The gazelle’s ever-watchful eyes darted…Aug 16, 20205Aug 16, 20205
PinnedHiking the GR10: One of Europe’s Most Varied and Well-Marked Long-Distance TrailsMost people enjoy going out for a walk in the countryside to get a breath of fresh air and take in the scenery, but some hiking enthusiasts…Feb 14, 20229Feb 14, 20229
To WriteWhat a strange space, A writer occupies. Gazing intensely from afar Detached from the bubble But transfixed by it all the same Bonded…Dec 9, 20241Dec 9, 20241
Published inThe Ineclectic PublicationsThrough the loopI am half empty and half full I am everywhere and nowhere at all I have gorged on the sweet bounty of a life uncharted And hurtled down…Oct 3, 20234Oct 3, 20234
The Importance of Movement and Flow in LifeWe have all felt it. Stagnation, apathy, depressive cycles, misery. Our minds, at times, seem to turn against us. The knowledge that we…Sep 5, 20236Sep 5, 20236
The People of the AmazonAre we your muse? You bring your cameras to shine a light on us You wax lyrical about our tragic plight You say you are here to help You…Sep 4, 20231Sep 4, 20231