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End of the Second Week of My Coding Bootcamp with Le Wagon, Melbourne
It has been a gruelling second week of the bootcamp. On top of the Ruby basics that we churned through last week, which included Flow, Conditionals and Arrays, Iterators and Blocks, and Hash and Symbols, we also had to contend with Regular Expressions, Parsing, Classes and Instances, and Inheritance and Self. As much as I’m amazed at the sheer amount of practice and content we’re getting through day by day, it just feels like my brain is still playing catchup.
On Tuesday, we had a heavy day of Parsing files with Ruby. This is basically retrieving, and also storing data from different document types (namely, JSON, CSV and XML) to files on your program/coder to action or interact with in some way. I was struggling to remember the different methods and then mapping the files together in theMCV design pattern so that they would speak to each other correctly.
For the first time, I was feeling really under pressure to keep up with my partner who I was pairing with for the day. Feeling the stress levels rising, and me not readily grasping what he was trying to explain, led me to reach out and suggest we continue working separately until later in the day. Not my finest hour but it allowed me to spend some valuable time digging into the methods with the aid of an on-site Teaching Assistant.