Hi Davi, thanks for getting in touch. With Le Wagon, you are given lifetime access to course content and an extensive global network for creating an app or venture. I thought the course, the support and the experience was stellar throughout the 10 weeks. I found support to be a bit lacking post course. I would say it gave me a great foundation but if you aren't committed to making that your passion going forward, it probably won't be the stepping stone to a new career in software development. It will help you get there easier but I'd say you'd have to be willing to do it without the support to make a career out of it. That's my outlook on coding now. I didn't go into coding as I felt like I was forcing rather than wanting to apply for jobs. UX and front-end I enjoyed and that may be something I may go into in the future but it will require additional study and a portfolio. My experience was unique though as I haven't got permanent residency yet here in Aus so I couldn't take too much time building and learning post bootcamp to secure something. I would say the top half of the class in terms of skill and knowledge acquisition got dev jobs within 6 months of hard applying. I made some good friends and it has given me the courage to believe that everything is achievable with persistence. Whether it's worth the money is personal to your own situation. I think if you were to do it all by yourself it would be more rewarding and powerful, and you'll know if it's really for you, but it may take you longer. Oh and when I was doing it, it was mostly in Ruby (great language) with little JavaScript so if you are planning on doing web development another course with more javascript may be preferable. Otherwise you'll have to pick it up, along with Typescript and some of the frameworks after the course. Some my say it's all about learning the coding fundamentals but it is still more time added to the journey.