Member-only story
The Importance of Movement and Flow in Life
We have all felt it. Stagnation, apathy, depressive cycles, misery. Our minds, at times, seem to turn against us. The knowledge that we have spent our lives dutifully filling our heads with, becomes heavy and paralysing. We look for ways to numb ourselves so we can avoid feeling the full wrath of our insidious emotions, and that’s before we even consider neurodivergence, mental illness and the varying effects of trauma which can cause a boundless amount of mental anguish.
From childhoods filled with books, movies, and television shows, where loveable brave protagonists battled against evils villains and perilous odds, we grew up with lofty expectations. Our lives were meant to be spent chasing endless adventure, epic romance, and unfathomable riches.
So, what happened?
False expectations for the most part. The most epic tales, told to children the world over, since the dawn of civilization, were created with the intention of educating, entertaining and inspiring the young so that they would then have the courage to dream big, and overcome challenges. However, they left out the most crucial part.
That is, the internal battle waging inside the protagonist’s own head. This is not something that is easy to convey, especially to a young audience that may not have the emotional or cognitive ability…